The Spiritual Warfare Card

I don’t know if the site is still actively adding content or not, but there used to be a blog called “Stuff Christians Like”. It was hilarious. A must read every day. If I understand correctly, the author eventually ended up turning all his material into a book.

Rambling aside, the concept of “Stuff Christians Like” was to make a little light-hearted fun over typical Christian behaviors. Much of modern Christian culture IS kind of silly at times. And sadly, much of it taints the views of non-believers.

“Stuff Christians Like” helped us see that. It made you laugh, sure… but it made you think too. It may have even instigated a little changed thinking and behavior.

When I think of spiritual warfare, I can’t help but think that the topic would have made a great post there.

“The Spiritual Warfare Card”.

Sadly, spiritual warfare in many Christian circles has become a lot like “First World Problems”. It’s a card we play all too regularly and without near the weight it really deserves. At times, I think we make a mockery of what spiritual warfare truly is. Or worse… we actively apply the term to a circumstance or situation that’s ordained by God.

I know. I’m not tacking this topic like “Stuff Christians Like”. So much for light hearted.

But think about it.

Is there room for the sovereign plan of God to allow you to undergo difficulty? Is there room for sovereignty to cover loss and hurt and pain? Or consequences for poor decisions? Brokenness? Struggles? Even persecution?

We pray all the time for these things to end. We ask God to fix every issue. And we identify almost everything that doesn’t feel like it’s going our way as spiritual warfare.

Is it possible that God WANTS your ship to encounter a storm?

Is it possible that God PLACED that iceberg in the path of your Titanic?

Is it possible that you’ve been charting YOUR own course all along, thinking it was God’s?

Maybe you’re not facing spiritual attack. Maybe you’re outside of God’s plan. Maybe you’re not, and He’s trying to teach you something.

Maybe it’s time we stopped proclaiming we know God’s will so perfectly after all. (James 4:13-16)

Maybe we should rest in his care. (Matthew 11:28, 1 Peter 4:9)

Maybe we should be content with whatever our circumstances may be. (1 Timothy 6:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Maybe we should keep doing the things His word clearly identifies as good and right. (James 4:17, 1 Peter 2:15)

Maybe we should let God be God, and simply trust Him as the author of everything?

John Written by:

Husband, Daddy, Christ-follower, sports fan... pressing on toward the goal for which God has called me heavenward in Christ. #ForeverRoyal!

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