Tag: parenting

December 23, 2015

If you’re a parent of multiple kids, you know what it’s like. Going anywhere, doing anything… it’s a struggle (at best). Kids arguing. Whining. Throwing fits. I don’t wanna’s. “He hit me first!” “She’s sitting…

March 14, 2015

As a parent, we do a lot of things to try to prepare our kids for the world they’re going to inherit. We teach right and wrong. We ensure they get proper schooling. We teach…

September 12, 2013
January 9, 2012

I find it a bit ironic that my pastor preached this morning about the differences between men and women. Why? This afternoon, we got a first-hand example. Background… My son received some tools for Christmas.…

November 29, 2011

Friday evening we were in Springfield, having dinner with the kiddos at a local restaurant. It had been a long day for everyone. Nancy had been fighting the Black Friday crowds with her sister. I…

July 6, 2011

Tonight, I definitely had a whiny kid in my daughter, Jenna. She was busy playing before bed, and whined that she couldn’t get up to go to bed. She whined that I made her get…