Well, I’m only about four days late on my Thanksgiving post… so I’ll make it brief. If you want to know much of what I’m thankful for, I posted a pretty good list just a little over a week ago, when recapping Toward the Goal’s first anniversary.
What’s missing from that post that I’m REALLY thankful for? My family.
My kids… Jeffrey and Jenna. My wife… Nancy. All of you provide light for my life. You keep me focused on what’s really important. I love all three of you with every bit of my being. I’m so glad we had so much time to spend together this weekend… even if it was just hanging out in the hotel, playing in the park, shopping, or yes… even while on the long road to and from Grandma’s.
And the upcoming addition to my family… my second little princess, whose name I can’t yet share. All I have is a few fuzzy ultrasound pictures yet I love you every bit as much as I love Jeffrey, Jenna, and Nancy. I can’t wait to look into your eyes when you’re born, but for now, I’m more than content to feel you wiggle and kick in your mommy’s belly.
Yes… in just my family, I have much to be thankful for. Couple that with the God who loves me, and all the other blessings He has poured into my life? I’m truly blessed.
(I know… no post about my family is complete without pictures… so here’s one of each of my kids…)
First, Jeffrey at the playground Saturday afternoon…

Here’s Jenna at the playground as well…

Last, but not least… my second little princess (ultrasound picture from doctor’s visit a month or so back)…

I love that last pic; she looks just like you… 😉
Didn’t you say the same thing the last time I posted an ultrasound pic? 🙂
Hopefully she looks more like my beautiful wife than me!
Your wife must be really pretty…