This morning, we awoke to find about six inches of snow on the ground. Church services were cancelled due to poor road conditions, so we were free to plan a day of winter fun.
As you can see from the pictures below, we had a great time. This was Jenna’s first time to actually play in the snow (she was too young last winter), so it was extra special for her (she loved it!).
Here’s my little snow princess…

Jeffrey, ready to fire a snowball my way…

Jenna is pretty good help when it comes to making a snowman…

The kids were awfully proud of their snowman…

Jenna, with her first taste of snow…

It was SO tempting to toss a snowball Nancy’s way…

Snow forts make great fun!

Great kid pics. Since we live in Louisiana,my kids rarely see snow. We were in Texas for my Mom’s surgery last week. On our way home, we were stopped for about 1/2 hour on I-20 because of snow. The kids got out and made a snowman in the ditch. Snow is really cool, istn’t it?