God continues to bless our family. I’m delighted to announce that He has given us another sweet baby girl… Allison Grace!
Allison was born this morning at 7:42 AM at Heartland Hospital in St. Joseph, Missouri. She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz., and measured 20 inches in length. She is absolutely precious (as you can see from the pictures below), and we’re all obviously quite happy!
Allison joins her big brother Jeffrey and her big sister Jenna to make us a family of five. Both siblings are very excited to have a little sister… I can only imagine what kind of fun things they’ll teach her! Nancy and I are a bit anxious about being outnumbered, but I’m sure we’ll catch on quickly.
We’d appreciate it greatly if you would keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

Beautiful baby!! She must get it from her mother. 😉
Oh, yeah. Now that you are “outnumbered,” you can’t play man to man anymore. You have to go to the zone, unless someone spends the night at a friend’s house.
You won’t hear any arguments from me, Art… Allison’s good looks are definitely from her mom… 🙂
BTW… lest anyone think I abandoned my family to go find a place to blog from, this is live from the hospital room thanks to the wonders of free wi-fi at the hospital… 🙂
Awesome! I know you are proud.
Awesome! I know you are proud.
Fantastic! She is beautiful. Congratulations.
Art, everybody always told me our sons got their good looks from me. The stated reason was that Peg still had hers…
Incidentally, John, my mom’s name was Grace. I’m glad you included that name for her.
John and Nancy, She is absolutely beautiful! I remembered that you would be having her today so I said some prayers for you all, and I hope that your delivery went well. She looks great! I think that she looks more like Jeffery than Jenna. I am so happy for you all and we miss you and love you guys so much. I wish we could have come to the hospital to see her, because she is your only child that we have not gotten to hold and cuddle in the hospital. Well we are still working on getting your sweet babies some playmates and we will keep you posted. Love you and miss you all!
We’re definitely proud parents… doubly proud, actually… 🙂
Grace was also my grandmother’s middle name. To be honest, though, we really selected it for a couple reasons, the first being God’s grace to us in giving us Allison, the second simply being that we liked how it flows. The fact that it honors others is an added blessing, of course… 🙂
Michelle, Brian…
You two should really come up and see us sometime… we’ve certainly got room for you to stay with us, and we’d love to have you visit! If you’d like to come up soon, think about the weekend of March 18th… you could catch David Glenn leading worship at our church as an added bonus… 🙂
We’ll keep praying for you all in your efforts to have kids… I’m certain that God will bless you in His time!
May God Bless Allison Grace! Congratulations!
Congratulations and praise God.
I just found your blog by accident and I don’t know you but I’m very happy that my brother and sister in Christ have been blessed by God with such a beautiful child.
God bless you all.
Congratulations John. She is beautiful.
I love it. Congratulations. Thank you so much for including these on your blog. We will be praying.
Welcome to the world little Allison! God gave you to a wonderful family. I am praying for you to grow into a woman who loves God deeply and has abundant compassion for others. I’ll also give you a little advice from one who was also the younger sister. Just remember this phrase: “Jenna made me do it, and she is older and should have known better.” That will get you out of trouble lots of times. Okay, well maybe not. 🙂
John and Nancy – I am so happy for you and the new blessing God has sent your way.
Congratulations on the birth of Allison Grace. She really is a beautiful baby.
Congratulations, John! She’s beautiful!