So… Christmas. Only a week ago already. And I’m just now getting around to posting a wrap-up of it all… 🙂
It’s been nice being on vacation… vacation from work… but also vacation from blogging, computers, internet, e-mail, and phone calls. Just spending quality time with my beautiful wife and awesome kids has been great. Most people would say that’s what Christmas is about, right? Family?
Well, not quite. Christmas is solely about the birth of the Christ-child, Jesus. We add on a bunch of other stuff… lights, trees, presents, Santa, reindeer, family get-togethers, parties… you name it… but when all is stripped away and we get back to the root of Christmas… it’s about the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, born to rescue us from sin:
11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11)
So, you ask me about Christmas and its highlight for me?
You’d find it on Christmas Eve with Nancy and the kids. We read the real Christmas story, straight from Matthew 1:18-2:12. and Luke 2:1-20. The kids re-enacted it with their Little People Nativity Set. I listened as Jeffrey told me about it all. And we all prayed, thanking God for sending Jesus to us.

Yeah… that’s Christmas.
Of course, I loved looking at the tree on Christmas Eve… I loved watching my kids unwrap their gifts… and I loved watching their eyes light up as they discovered all the great things Santa had brought. As you would guess, we took some video, and got some great photos… preserving moments I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. And yes… I even got some good stuff too.

But Christmas? These things, while great, were just the icing on the cake, providing extra memories that sweeten the holiday further. Christmas is still about Jesus, first and foremost.
He’s something for which I’ll be ETERNALLY thankful.
I pray the same is true for all of you.
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