I’m constantly surprised and entertained by my kids… you just never know what they’re going to come up with next to amuse themselves.
Earlier this week, Jeffrey found his distorted reflection in a mixing bowl absolutely hilarious. Thankfully, I was able to capture the moment before he moved on to something else…

How old is your son? My son is 2 years and 3 months old. We went to “Chuckie Cheese” the other day and a little boy burped in front of him. My son thought it was so funny and walked around the place burping at other kids. I don’t know if he thought it was normal behavior, because he’s the first grandchild on each side of our families, so he’s not use to being around other children. It’s a lot of fun, though, when they suprise you with goofy behavior.
Jeffrey is 5 1/2 now. Jenna is 3, and Allison is almost 1.
You can imagine how much fun we have around our house. It’s almost a constant stream of off the wall behavior around here. 🙂
We love every minute of it, even though we’re also almost constantly having to discipline one of the three. Being outnumbered sure makes it interesting!