Check out this editorial on the current financial crisis when you get a chance. VERY interesting reading. Scary as heck, too!
Here’s an interesting chart from the editorial to pique your interest:

Check out this editorial on the current financial crisis when you get a chance. VERY interesting reading. Scary as heck, too!
Here’s an interesting chart from the editorial to pique your interest:
Thanks for posting this article. This information has been shared by Glen Beck on FoxNews. It is very scary. I wrote a blog post referencing this and I took a look at how the church will need to respond.
But, the church is not responding. We won’t talk about it. We’re too scared, I think. We have bought into the system and now that it is failing us, we don’t know what to do. People will be looking for answers, and once again, we won’t have many.
That seems to be the case right now, anyway. Hopefully, we start to recognize the situation that we are in and help our folks look to Christ.