Author: John

Husband, Daddy, Christ-follower, sports fan... pressing on toward the goal for which God has called me heavenward in Christ. #ForeverRoyal!

August 1, 2007

It’s day two of photo week. Today, I’m featuring a few miscellaneous shots of my kids around the resort. First up, it’s Jenna. You’ve gotta admit, she’s one heck of a cute fishing partner. Here’s…

July 30, 2007

Given that I’ve got plenty of vacation pictures to choose from (well over 600), I’m dubbing this photo week here at Toward the Goal. These are from our Monday outing to Branson Landing… a little…

July 23, 2007

As I’m sitting here in my cabin on the first night of our vacation, listening to Jeffrey and Jenna playing sleeping in the next room, I’m reflecting on a truth that became quickly apparent this…

July 20, 2007

Biking has rapidly become one of our favorite family activities. It’s fun anytime, but especially cool when you’ve got a beautiful sunset to enjoy as the kids ride (and no, not just because it gave…

July 16, 2007

Anyone got any recommendations for podcasts? What’s your favorite?

July 10, 2007

I ran across this quote about a year back, and recently came across it again. Good stuff about the kind of relationship we should have with God. The vine clings to the oak during the…

July 9, 2007

Today’s Sunday School lesson was taken from the “I am the vine” passage, found in John 15. We tried to get a handle on one of the key concepts of Christian living today… abiding in…