Author: John

Husband, Daddy, Christ-follower, sports fan... pressing on toward the goal for which God has called me heavenward in Christ. #ForeverRoyal!

June 15, 2007

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any Friday photos (sorry Debbie!), so I’ve got a bit of catching up to do. Today’s theme? Outdoor fun. Family… fishing! Allison… swinging! Jenna… planting flowers! Jeffrey… swinging!

May 26, 2007

A strong Baptist family decided to buy a home and make everything in the house Baptist. They were going to make it look and feel Baptist through and through. So when they were finished they…

May 19, 2007

I didn’t have a Friday photo this week… well, I do, sort of. It’s actually a video, and it’s quite funny… video of Allison laughing. I’m a proud daddy, no doubt… but I thought it…

May 10, 2007

Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead? Why do banks charge a fee on “insufficient funds” when they know there is not enough money? Why…

May 4, 2007

When I was asked to review Tracy Elliott’s book, “Unbroken”, I wasn’t all that enthused… it just didn’t sound like anything I’d usually read, and I really wasn’t all that sure I was interested. Biographies…

May 4, 2007

I’ve been in Washington, D.C., at a conference this week, and have really enjoyed the sights… you just don’t get to see so much history in St. Joe! Here’s a few photos I’ve taken while…

May 4, 2007

A while back, John Shore asked me to review his latest book… I’m OK — You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending Unbelievers And Why We Should Stop. As easy as it was to read (I…