Author: John

Husband, Daddy, Christ-follower, sports fan... pressing on toward the goal for which God has called me heavenward in Christ. #ForeverRoyal!

March 13, 2007

I saw this on a window sticker on someone’s vehicle this morning on the way to work, and have to say, it really struck me as important this morning. Not that’s it’s something I didn’t…

March 8, 2007

Almost two months ago, I received an invitation to review Patty Kirk’s book, “Confessions of an Amateur Believer”. When I accepted the invitation and received the book, I thought this would be a piece of…

March 5, 2007

Alright… I can’t resist… I’ve gotta share a few more pictures from the past few days since Allison’s birth. Jeffrey and Jenna helped with a little welcome home poster (there’s just something very cool about…

March 2, 2007

What can I say… she’s a beautiful (and willing) subject… 🙂 Here’s a few more photos of Allison Grace…

February 28, 2007

God continues to bless our family. I’m delighted to announce that He has given us another sweet baby girl… Allison Grace! Allison was born this morning at 7:42 AM at Heartland Hospital in St. Joseph,…

February 15, 2007

Matthew 18 set the Biblical standard for Christian conflict resolution. For most believers, it’s pretty clear cut… if a fellow believer sins against you, you go to him. If he refuses to listen, you bring…

February 13, 2007

Yesterday, we pretty much wrapped up our study of Romans in Sunday School, touching on the “personal greetings” section of this letter from Paul. It’s funny though… most of the time when we read this…