I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw this story covered in my local newspaper… so much so that I had to seek it out online and post it for you here. The basics? A…
Author: John
Husband, Daddy, Christ-follower, sports fan... pressing on toward the goal for which God has called me heavenward in Christ. #ForeverRoyal!
I ran across the following quote on another blog today… thought provoking stuff. I believe that amusements were created by the devil to take the minds of dying men off of their dying. I believe…
This is sad. A church in Memphis reached out to some Hurricane Katrina victims by buying them a home, and found their generosity rewarded by the “victims” re-selling the house just a few months later…
Whew… that was a close one. Didn’t you hear? According to the California Supreme Court, bloggers are now free to post whatever they want about whomever they want (regardless of the truth of what’s written)…
Well, today marks the 1st anniversary of Toward the Goal, at least as it exists at toward-the-goal.net. It’s been an interesting year! Here’s a few highlights… 239 posts, and 471 comments (almost a post every…
I haven’t posted a “Song of the Day” in quite a while, but tonight, I’ve got one. God caught my attention with the lyrics from a song I’ve heard a hundred times or more… “Enough”,…