Category: Christian Living

October 12, 2007

This evening, I found myself taking a bit of time reflecting on “Toward the Goal”… this blog… this site… the Scripture from which it derives its namesake… the verse that I believe really kind of…

September 13, 2007

I ran across this passage from Psalm 73 earlier this week, and found it pretty challenging. Psalm 73:25-26 25Whom have I in heaven but you?      And earth has nothing I desire besides you. 26My flesh…

August 30, 2007

It’s interesting how God speaks sometimes… He’ll say something clearly though Scripture, or He’ll whisper to us in prayer… sometimes He even speaks to us through situations. Rarely, at least in my experience, has it…

August 14, 2007

Yeah, the title sounds bad. Spur one another. OUCH! It’s what often seems to happen here in blog land, right? That’s not where I’m going with this, though… “spur one another” is a portion of…

July 23, 2007

As I’m sitting here in my cabin on the first night of our vacation, listening to Jeffrey and Jenna playing sleeping in the next room, I’m reflecting on a truth that became quickly apparent this…

July 10, 2007

I ran across this quote about a year back, and recently came across it again. Good stuff about the kind of relationship we should have with God. The vine clings to the oak during the…

July 9, 2007

Today’s Sunday School lesson was taken from the “I am the vine” passage, found in John 15. We tried to get a handle on one of the key concepts of Christian living today… abiding in…