I hate to interrupt the photo series, but I saw this quote today and had to post it: The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not…
Category: Devotions / Bible Studies
Today’s Sunday School lesson was taken from the “I am the vine” passage, found in John 15. We tried to get a handle on one of the key concepts of Christian living today… abiding in…
This morning’s Sunday School lesson focused on Paul’s preaching regarding the resurrection to the Corinthians. As I taught the lesson, one particular verse stood out to me. I’ll include a larger passage to provide context……
For the past three weeks, my Sunday School class has been working through Jesus’s teaching, “I am the good shepherd”. Yesterday’s discussions were particularly meaningful in regard to the ebb and flow of our faith,…
Ephesians 6:4 4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. I admit, as a Christian dad, I often fall short of the Biblical expectations placed…
In looking over the Scripture passages I’ll be teaching in Sunday School this weekend, I found myself laughing a bit over the following passage from John 13… John 13:31-38 31When he was gone, Jesus said,…