Just a few quick thoughts tonight before bed, all arising from our Sunday School lesson yesterday. First, a couple Scriptures, both from the New Living Translation. Zechariah 4:10 10Do not despise these small beginnings, for…
Category: Devotions / Bible Studies
I was listening the radio the other day, captivated by the testimony of a Christian musician who was sharing the story of a time in their life when they felt distanced from God due to…
This morning during Sunday School, we had an interesting discussion on the relationship between work and worship. They’re two topics we don’t generally link, but in light of Colossians 3:23-24 and other Scripture passages, it’s…
Just out of curiosity… does anyone have a favorite Scripture passage about Christmas? This Christmas season, I find myself kind of partial to Luke 2:11-12: 11Today in the town of David a Savior has been…
Well, this series of posts seems to continue to stretch itself out further and further. It’s been almost two weeks since part 2. At this rate, I may still be writing on this topic next…
Let’s see, it’s been three weeks now since I last spent some time on this site pondering prayer. Isn’t it interesting how important Biblical topics and studies always seem to get pushed aside when there’s…