In case you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere, you know that the weather forecasters in our area have been going insane over the past few days about this “historic weather event” (i.e., lots of…
Category: Just For Fun…
… if you’re afraid of heights, that is. I was glued to this video… simply couldn’t stop watching. It’s one of the first videos in forever that left my heart pounding. Definitely a must watch.…
You might be a redneck if… … this is your idea of a waterslide. Yes, this is a real photo taken earlier today in northwest Missouri. Unbelievable…
Check it out… the Kung Fu Bear! Supposedly, the footage is real, even if the video has been edited a bit to add music. Of course, even if it’s a fake, it’s still hilarious…
Gotta love this parody video poking fun at Climategate, courtesy of Minnesotans For Global Warming… BTW, the creators of this video have been threatened with legal action by Michael Mann, the Penn State professor depicted…