Category: Just For Fun…

September 19, 2008

Arrr! Today be “Talk Like a Pirate Day!” Fer ye viewing pleasure: Fer ye land lubbers new t’ “Talk Like a Pirate Day”:

September 18, 2008

What can I say… this video cracks me up! The cat is one sneaky little booger!

August 31, 2008

Anyone who knows me very well knows I love football. My Missouri Tigers have a chance to do something really special this year, and I’m pumped! Anyway, I found myself twittering tonight’s season-opener against 20th…

August 22, 2008
August 20, 2008

Here’s a brief, somewhat humorous glimpse at real life for ya. Hopefully Nancy doesn’t want to shoot me for posting this! Actual text message from my wife earlier today: Will you eat a regular taco…

July 23, 2008

… is to make sure you get the right house. (Quote from this absolutely hiliarious news story.)

June 23, 2008

It’s Monday, and we all could use a good laugh. Enjoy this bit of humor… This morning, on my way to work, I wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have been… and I…