Category: My Life / Family

October 27, 2009

We had a bit of fun last weekend with a little impromptu photo shoot of the kids. I couldn’t have been much more pleased with the results! (Of course it helps that I have some…

October 11, 2009

I thought I had everything planned perfectly for Friday. My meetings were scheduled to be finished by 10:00 or so, and the fishing guide from River Run Outfitters was lined up and ready to go…

August 30, 2009

Yeah, I know. Sounds like a lot huh? But that’s not what I meant. You see, I attended portions of the 121 Forum this weekend at Frederick Boulevard Baptist here in St. Joe, a conference…

August 27, 2009

Once again, I’m amazed at how quickly my kiddos are growing up… yesterday Jenna started pre-kindergarten! She was VERY excited to go… she LOVES school work! But she’s also VERY shy… she’d told us she…

August 26, 2009

Monday marked Jeffrey’s first day of first grade at St. Joseph Christian. That’s right… a new classroom and teacher… a real desk of his own… recess on the big playground… Yeah, he’s hit the big…

August 17, 2009

Can it be possible that my son is actually seven years old now? Wow. We celebrated his birthday over the weekend, and he was obviously one happy kid… I’m glad you had a happy birthday,…

July 21, 2009

Yeah yeah yeah… I know, I’m terribly slow. Vacation was 3 weeks ago, and I’m just now getting around to blogging about it. I won’t write much… as the old adage goes, “a picture is…