Category: My Life / Family

May 21, 2008

You’ve missed my Bible in a Year posts of late, haven’t you? There’s a reason behind that, as you might imagine. First… the burden of blogging every day was taking a pretty heavy toll on…

May 13, 2008

We decided to stop and do a bit of geocaching on the way back from Springfield today. If you’re in the area and have some time, you ought to check out Poague Wildlife Area just…

May 5, 2008

We’ve really grown to enjoy geocaching, and have now gone three consecutive weekends. Yesterday, we checked out a couple caches near Worth County Lake. Here’s a few photos from the trip… This SimpleViewer gallery requires…

April 20, 2008

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon trying out something new as a family… geocaching! It’s an absolute blast, highly recommended for families! There’s just something special about tromping through the woods with the family toward an…

April 14, 2008
April 8, 2008

“Why Me?” How many of us have asked that question? Yeah… just about everyone. Generally when we’re down and out about something… lamenting our circumstance or situation… when we’re wallowing in self-pity. It’s really not…

April 4, 2008

In just a couple hours, I’ll be headed south to Lake Taneycomo in search of these… From what I’ve heard, the fishing is phenomenal right now! Of course, the fishing is just one part of…