Category: My Life / Family

April 1, 2008

From time to time, we ask our kids the same question most parents do… “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We were talking to our kids tonight, and asked that question…

March 21, 2008

We watch quite a bit of the Discovery Channel around my house… Mythbusters being our favorite show. They’ve got a lot of good programming. After watching Smash Lab tonight, I must admit… I’m now certain…

March 20, 2008

As I’ve been sick over the past couple of days, sleep hasn’t come easily at times. Each of the past two nights, I’ve found myself wide awake at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning. To…

March 18, 2008

As Nancy and I were talking tonight, she was sharing with me about how she had spent quite a bit of time today sharing the real meaning of Easter with Jeffrey, Jenna, and Allison. As…

March 15, 2008

Anyone play? No… not the game, but real guitar. I can’t claim to be much of a guitar hero (I’m far from great), but I have been playing now for about 1 1/2 years, and…

February 28, 2008

My baby is growing up… Allison is one year old today! It’s hard to believe she’s getting so big!

February 22, 2008

I’m constantly surprised and entertained by my kids… you just never know what they’re going to come up with next to amuse themselves. Earlier this week, Jeffrey found his distorted reflection in a mixing bowl…