I didn’t have a Friday photo this week… well, I do, sort of. It’s actually a video, and it’s quite funny… video of Allison laughing. I’m a proud daddy, no doubt… but I thought it…
Category: My Life / Family
For the past three weeks, my Sunday School class has been working through Jesus’s teaching, “I am the good shepherd”. Yesterday’s discussions were particularly meaningful in regard to the ebb and flow of our faith,…
Ephesians 6:4 4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. I admit, as a Christian dad, I often fall short of the Biblical expectations placed…
Almost two months ago, I received an invitation to review Patty Kirk’s book, “Confessions of an Amateur Believer”. When I accepted the invitation and received the book, I thought this would be a piece of…
Alright… I can’t resist… I’ve gotta share a few more pictures from the past few days since Allison’s birth. Jeffrey and Jenna helped with a little welcome home poster (there’s just something very cool about…
What can I say… she’s a beautiful (and willing) subject… 🙂 Here’s a few more photos of Allison Grace…