Toward the Goal Posts

January 9, 2012

I find it a bit ironic that my pastor preached this morning about the differences between men and women. Why? This afternoon, we got a first-hand example. Background… My son received some tools for Christmas.…

January 4, 2012

Do you have any keepsakes? Perhaps it’s a small vial of sand or dirt, to help remember a memorable place. Maybe a coin from another country, or a ticket stub from a movie you attended…

January 2, 2012

I’m not sure this really will impact all of you who read this the way it did me, but it hit me tonight on this first day of 2012 that I’m really getting old. Nancy…

January 2, 2012

Today marks the beginning of a new year, and with it, a new Bible reading plan I’m embarking upon. I’ve shared about the plan here, so check it out if you want to get up…

December 27, 2011

If you give a kid some tools for Christmas… … you’d better be prepared for him to use them! Yep, that’s what’s left of our Swiffer.

December 26, 2011

What can I say… I’ve got family that needs to see a few photos from Christmas. For those of you who are bored by this… these are my kiddos, and it’s my site. Yes I’m…

December 24, 2011

As I write this, the smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies lingers throughout our home. Christmas songs ring out from the iPod, and our kids are playing in the living room. We’re thinking about…