Toward the Goal Posts

July 19, 2006

These have got to be two of the coolest videos I’ve seen online recently… stop-motion human space invaders and human pong. VERY cool stuff… (it must have been very time consuming to make these!)

July 6, 2006

You know, some things really shouldn’t be all that funny, but they are… Here’s a story today about some pranksters who made concrete soccer balls, and placed them throughout the city of Berlin with signs…

July 5, 2006

The Fourth is for FREEDOM… The Fourth is for FAMILY… The Fourth is for FIREWORKS! Yes, the Fourth was FUN for our family!

July 2, 2006

Let me tell you, God has definitely blessed me… I’ve got two of the cutest kids in the entire world. Take a look at these pictures from last week’s vacation Bible school… Here’s Jeffrey, posing…

June 28, 2006

Check this out! Talk about a cool illusion!

June 21, 2006

Here’s an interesting news story regarding beliefs about who’s going to hell and why, broken down by a variety of people groups (see some of the results of the survey here). The telling statistic to…

June 21, 2006

I’ve got a thirty minute drive each day back and forth to work, so I’ve got a lot of time in the car to myself. Yesterday, I popped in a CD from Sonicflood that I…