Tag: cholesteatoma

December 8, 2008

Most of you who follow “Toward the Goal” knew that I was facing some surgery today. For those of you are interested in it was all about, I had a tumor (called a “cholesteatoma”) growing…

November 26, 2008

Yeah, I know… I haven’t blogged in a while. And I know that some of you are curious what’s going on in my life, given the brief snippets you may have seen through Twitter. Basically?…

November 17, 2008

No one likes the unknown. It’s so, well… unknown. Uncertain. Difficult. I’ve got an unknown of my own I’m facing right now. As many of you know, about two months back I got some great…

October 2, 2008

When you visit the doctor, there are some things you just don’t want to hear them say. I had one of those moments today. You see, I knew I had an ear infection… if I…